ngoc.truong at swri dot edu

Ngoc (‘gnoc’ in gnocchi!) is a Vietnamese planetary scientist, currently based in San Antonio at SwRI-Southwest Research Institute. He is interested in the chemistry of the protosolar nebula, and its influences on the composition of pebbles/planetesimals to decipher the atmospheric volatiles abundances and formation history of giant planets. His current work combines cosmochemical data from comets and Kuiper Belt Objects as well as solar neutrinos to give new insights into the protosolar abundances; which measurements from spectroscopy and helioseismology have not been reconciled.

Another interest is the formation, evolution, and potential habitability of giant planets’ icy satellites as well as novel approaches to search for potential biosignatures. He is leading a multidisciplinary effort to constrain the age of Enceladus’s ocean, a key measure to assess the possible existence of life within this icy moon.

Ngoc currently serves as a co-chair on the Origins Working Group for the Juno mission exploring the Jovian system. He is also an affiliate team member with the Europa Clipper mission (MASPEX), which will be launched in the late 2024. 


Postdoctoral Researcher → SwRI, San Antonio, 2023-Current
PhD, Planetary Science → Cornell University, 2017-2023
Bsc, Space Science → University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam, 2013–2016